“Milo has an amazing group of staff that tries their best to help the students. It was very surprising to me to see how honest and hardworking they are. They have taught me a lot through the four years that I have been here.” – Paul K, 12th grade
“The mentorship from the staff is amazing. The staff at Milo genuinely care about you and want to get to know you better, so it’s easy to talk to them. They are all Godly, and the practice what they preach. If you have any questions, whether spiritually or about life, they do not disappoint you with their answers.” – Cayden F, 11th grade

“Being a student leader isn’t always easy, but I have found myself growing in many ways through this process. I learn skills about event management, social skills, time management, the importance of communication—especially as a leader, and many more skills that are sure to be valuable no matter what career I pursue after school. Under the watchful eye of my supervisors, who help guide me, and the help of my team and SA President, I have learned so much.” ~ Amber K, 11th grade.
“Leadership at Milo introduced new opportunities that I would’ve never thought could influence my life. It has taught me countless lessons about how to manage time and how to showcase the skills of those around you. I believe it’s important to acknowledge that there are people around you who are willing to help; you just need to let them in.” ~ Joel R, 10th grade

“People at Milo were always reminding me that God loves me. Their kindness affected not only my relationship with Jesus but also with people.” ~ Danyil R, 12th grade.
“Through daily prayer time with Milo’s students and staff, I’ve experienced spiritual growth and community! Praying for one another and for our campus has taught me to rely on God’s guidance, especially through challenging times. Starting each day with this special prayer time has brought me closer to God and to my Milo family.” ~ Jenaya S, 12th grade
“This is my third year in Milo, and I had never been in an Adventist school until I came to Milo. Here I became closer to God and it was my first time in an actual Bible Class, and I started reading more of my Bible and spending more time in prayer- thanks to the Week of Prayer especially. Milo has helped me grow a lot more than I was expecting, especially in the spiritual aspect and helped me to be more matured. I’m very glad that I came to Milo.” ~ Ricky M, 12th grade

“My experience in Milo has been great! I really like the opportunity of getting to learn about other cultures. There is a lot of diversity in the school, and getting the opportunity to interact and create relationships with them is an amazing opportunity that opens doors for your future. I came from Mexico and had the privilege to make friends not just from the US, but from all over the world, like Congo, Ukraine, Israel, Philippines, Bermuda, etc. I appreciate and learn from all of them.” ~ Gabo Tolentino, 12th grade.
I must say becoming an RA was the best decision I ever made for highschool, it taught me so many great leadership skills and gave me experiences I never would have gotten otherwise. I came into Milo as a Sophomore not knowing much of what to expect but I remember I always looked up to and respected my RA. My junior year I would go on to become the RA of freshman and sophomore hall and I must say it was a rewarding experience. Being able to mentor and guide these men to become the greatest they could be was such an honor, but not only that, I learned tons from them as well. By the end of Junior year I was asked to be the head RA this year which has been an amazing opportunity for me. Our head Dean Chad Lambie of course has guided me through this entire endeavour and has been a crucial part of my highschool life. He has so much wisdom and life experience and he is able to connect with all the young men in this dorm on such a deep level. But most importantly he has an unshakable connection with God which he shows in everything he does here at Milo and I am very honored to have worked for him these past few years.” ~ Qylan C, 12th grade.