How to Apply


Ready to Apply?

On this page, you’ll find everything you need to know to enroll your child at Milo. Our goal is to make the admissions process as simple and hassle-free as possible. If at any point you need help, contact our admissions team at Now that you’re convinced that Milo is the right school for your family, let’s get started.

International Students apply here.

Step 1: Application

Complete and submit an online application. Please note, you must pay the $37 application fee in order for us to process your application.

Step 2: Recommendations

Provide email addresses for the three student recommendations. Select adults who are not related to you and who know your child well. A recommendation form will be sent to each person via email. One recommendation is required for each category below:

  • Educational – Provides insight about your child from an academic perspective. This individual can be a teacher, tutor, principal, or counselor.
  • Religious – Provides insight about your child from a spiritual health perspective. This individual can be a pastor, elder, youth leader etc.
  • Professional – Provides insight about your child from a work ethic perspective. This individual can be a work supervisor for work either paid or volunteer.

Step 3: Academic Records

E-mail a copy of your child’s high school transcript to our Admissions Coordinator at If you are enrolling your child into 9th grade, send a copy of their middle school (8th grade) transcript to date. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable for this step. The official transcript(s) will be required with your ‘Request for Student Records’ (see Step 6).

Step 4: Tuition/Finances

Please review the Financial Informaion Packet Financial Information Packet here. A payment plan must be finalized with the Office of Finances before your student’s interview can be scheduled. If you need financial assistance, complete the FACTS application here. You’ll receive a Financial Plan from the VP of Finances for you to sign and return. 

Step 5: Family Interview

Once steps 1 through 4 are complete, we’ll contact you to schedule a family interview. Please note that the application, all three references, and your student’s academic transcripts must be submitted prior to scheduling an interview. If you have questions please contact our admissions department at, or by phone at 541.825.3200, ext. 3321. We will notify you regarding acceptance within 10 days of your interview.

Step 6: Other Documentation

We must receive the additional documents listed below to complete the enrollment process:

  • Social Security Card (the original must be presented to our registrar and a photocopy will be made).
  • Birth Certificate (the original must be presented to our registrar and a photocopy will be made in our office).
  • Request for student records
  • Riding Liability Release – for students participating in the Milo horsemanship program.
  • Proof of Medical Insurance
  • Immunization Records
  • Physical Examination Report from a doctor
  • Your electronic enrollment packet (look for instructions via e-mail)