Senior Survival is a beloved tradition at Milo Adventist Academy. Whether seniors approach it with excitement or uncertainty, this unique experience has a lasting impact on everyone who participates. At the beginning of each year, our seniors embark on a five-day wilderness trip, immersing themselves in survival-focused activities that challenge both body and spirit. Along the way, they develop skills that not only help them navigate the outdoors but also prepare them for the spiritual journey God has planned for their lives.

Here’s what our seniors had to say about their Senior Survival experience:

Jenaya: “Senior Survival was an incredible experience that brought our class together as a family. I wasn’t sure what to expect from spending a week in the middle of nowhere, but I can honestly say it was a highlight of my senior year. I’d love to share more, but what happens at Senior Survival, stays at Senior Survival!”

Danyil: “Senior Survival wasn’t just about building physical strength—it was a powerful moment for my spiritual relationship with Jesus. This experience really united us as a family.”

Paul: “I really enjoyed Senior Survival. It helped me learn about teamwork and makes me want to become the “pickle” (the best version of me) I was created to be. It taught me how to do hard things and work as a team, how to listen to each other’s opinions, and to stay positive and united.”